Sunday, July 25, 2010



Sour varieties of oranges have been cultivated since well before the Middle Ages, the sweet ones appearing only in the 15th Century. From Southern Asia, the orange spread to Syria, Persia, Italy, Spain and Portugal, and then on a voyage of Columbus, to the West Indies. Spanish explorers took it to Florida and Spanish missionaries took it to California. ( )


The major nutritional content in oranges is Vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant neutralizes harmful elements within the body. Vitamin C also stimulates the absorption of non-heme iron and thus reduces the iron deficiency. As a whole the Vitamin C content in orange fruits keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Calcium in oranges ensures strong teeth and bone. Calcium also supports to maintain a healthy blood pressure level. Calcium in oranges also assists for a healthy muscle function. In addition to calcium the folate content in oranges enables a healthy body growth and development.

Carotenoids in oranges act as powerful antioxidants against harmful radicals that can damage cells.

The 300 enzyme systems in your body receive the energy required from the action of magnesium that is present in oranges. Magnesium in oranges helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure. In addition to that magnesium work along with calcium and phosphorus to maintain bone health.

A healthy DNA maintenance in your body will be enabled by the niacin content in oranges. Niacin also metabolizes to food you eat into energy.

The phytonutrients in oranges enable the nutrients to work more efficiently.

The potassium content in oranges maintains fluid and electrolyte balance in the cells. Potassium releases energy from fat, protein and carbohydrates during metabolism. Potassium in oranges also assists while sending nerve impulses and during muscle contracts. The potassium content plays an important role in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

The presence of thiamin in oranges helps the conversion of food into energy needed by all cells and tissues.

Vitamin B6 in oranges enables the processing of protein and carbohydrates in food. Vitamin B6 also supports the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. (

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